37 Days to Zen – Day 15 Change Day 8 Hungry Nights

I used to eat heavy late at night. I say used to like it was years ago when in reality it was days and weeks ago. I wouldn't have trouble laying down because I just devoured two bowls of spaghetti and three garlic bread slices. I hurt from consuming three or four times what I … Continue reading 37 Days to Zen – Day 15 Change Day 8 Hungry Nights

Point Break 2015 Review

Thrill-seeking criminals perform a series of daredevil stunts to steal money and gems, only to give it away to the poor and less fortunate. Training for a job with the FBI, young recruit Johnny Utah suspects that only extreme athletes could pull off these heists. Utilizing his own special skills, Utah infiltrates the gang of thieves after befriending their charismatic leader, Bodhi. As Johnny experiences the rush of their lifestyle, his superiors fear that his loyalties are being tested.