Have You Ever Thought About Marrying a Girl You Never Met?! I Have. Here is my Story.

A Belarus Bride is an excellent group of individuals trying to help lonely bastards such as myself out, and I really would recommend them if you can deal with having a mediator and not being able to send the gifts that you wish to send. I know they have helped a lot of guys get away from the modern westernized woman and I think all the time about trying this again because a part of me wants to belong to someone… Someone who is most likely not here in the states.

My very first guest post! Saint Petersburg, Russia – Location Review — Single Man’s Paradise

St. Petersburg is the second largest city in Russia and home to women who absolutely blow my mind. I have never been to a place where the women, just going to the corner store, dress like they are going out on Saturday night. And the way these girls look dressed up… you will feel a pain in your stomach from falling in love several times a minute.

Thailand vs. Philippines: The move. Maybe.

Howdy, One of the MANY things I have to figure out for my hopeful future move towards living my life as a long term traveler is where to start. There are several great, inexpensive places for a novice, location independent, nomad to live so narrowing it down is an ordeal in and of itself. I … Continue reading Thailand vs. Philippines: The move. Maybe.