Have You Ever Thought About Marrying a Girl You Never Met?! I Have. Here is my Story.

A Belarus Bride is an excellent group of individuals trying to help lonely bastards such as myself out, and I really would recommend them if you can deal with having a mediator and not being able to send the gifts that you wish to send. I know they have helped a lot of guys get away from the modern westernized woman and I think all the time about trying this again because a part of me wants to belong to someone… Someone who is most likely not here in the states.

Phones, Women and Cannibalism

St. Petersburg is, to date, my favorite city in the world. It has great architecture, gorgeous women, loads of things to see and do and gorgeous women. We realized after the first night or so that getting a single room was a mistake. I realized it more than my brother as I am the less attractive, shyer of the two of us.

No More Nights of Blood and Fire

I am going to do my best never to put my heart in this situation again, time to put up some walls and pay for some hookers. Ladies, I may be emotionally unavailable and have a shattered heart, but some of you weirdos dig that in a man and it should make me more attractive to you, so I am free and available to give beard rides.

Where I am at in this endeavor.

Howdy y'all, I have had a few reviews in a row so I thought I would post an update on how things are going on the getting the fuck out of Shawshank front. My truck is back and functioning properly after dropping almost $1700 on the front end being pretty much completely replaced. Luckily I … Continue reading Where I am at in this endeavor.

Why don’t you like (insert westernized country here) women?

I understand, I am not pretty and am nice enough to just keep on a back burner, I have dealt with that my whole life. It is the modus operandi of your modern westernized woman. Now, let me admit, I am not the best person at communicating, ask my entire family about when I was in Iraq and they would never hear from me unless they called. I am sure I have accidentally made people feel the same way throughout my life and I am sorry, but it wasn't intentional. As much as I am dicking around on my phone nowadays, I really don't talk on it much.