Zen is Upon Me

Well, not really. I have completed my seven-day intro, continuing my normal day to day routine of eating and lack of movement. I have also completed my 30 days of trying to turn my life around, to include giving meditation a fair shot and some serious time, cutting back on eating every Little Debbie cake … Continue reading Zen is Upon Me

37 Days to Zen – Day 15 Change Day 8 Hungry Nights

I used to eat heavy late at night. I say used to like it was years ago when in reality it was days and weeks ago. I wouldn't have trouble laying down because I just devoured two bowls of spaghetti and three garlic bread slices. I hurt from consuming three or four times what I … Continue reading 37 Days to Zen – Day 15 Change Day 8 Hungry Nights

Point Break 2015 Review

Thrill-seeking criminals perform a series of daredevil stunts to steal money and gems, only to give it away to the poor and less fortunate. Training for a job with the FBI, young recruit Johnny Utah suspects that only extreme athletes could pull off these heists. Utilizing his own special skills, Utah infiltrates the gang of thieves after befriending their charismatic leader, Bodhi. As Johnny experiences the rush of their lifestyle, his superiors fear that his loyalties are being tested.

Anything is Possible, But Nothing is Real

After seeing the telethon from the inside, it's apparent that those companies are in it for the exposure and money, not for those impacted by the trillions of gallons of water dumped on South Louisiana in a matter of hours, or the hurricane-ravaged region of the East Coast, or the burned remains of parts of California. Ratings and advertising revenue for the networks and incoming capital for the largest relief organization on the planet who may or may not spend the money where it needs to be spent. Based on the last time they “helped”, I lean towards may not.

Why don’t you like (insert westernized country here) women?

I understand, I am not pretty and am nice enough to just keep on a back burner, I have dealt with that my whole life. It is the modus operandi of your modern westernized woman. Now, let me admit, I am not the best person at communicating, ask my entire family about when I was in Iraq and they would never hear from me unless they called. I am sure I have accidentally made people feel the same way throughout my life and I am sorry, but it wasn't intentional. As much as I am dicking around on my phone nowadays, I really don't talk on it much.

Parenting: What You’re Doing Wrong. If You’re a Shit Parent.

If your pre-pubescent child is biting you/hitting you/kicking you and rather than punting that little bastard across the room, you call 911, you have failed as a parent and it will never get any better. That kid now knows you have absolutely no power. You should send that kid off to military school or something because that kid is going to grow up to be a piece of shit otherwise. Probably just like you.

SpongeBob SquarePants turns your children into malcontents!

One of the things I actually lucked into as a kid was that I grew up most of my life with 3 channels. ABC, PBS and CBS (I think) and only ABC and PBS came in clearly so I watched a TON of edutainment and due to that I grew up with a wonder about the world. I also spent a lot of time watching British Comedies with my mom which I blame for making my heartache for places I have never been the whole world over. wild-kingdomIf it wasn't Sesame Street it was Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom or Nova, Bill Nye The Science Guy (although he has turned out to be half a moron lately, suggesting that people who don't agree with him on global warming, oops, global cooling, oops, climate change should be jailed).