Phones, Women and Cannibalism

St. Petersburg is, to date, my favorite city in the world. It has great architecture, gorgeous women, loads of things to see and do and gorgeous women. We realized after the first night or so that getting a single room was a mistake. I realized it more than my brother as I am the less attractive, shyer of the two of us.

What the Fuck is Wrong with Women Today?! Talk About Some Bad Karma. Chop’s Guide just Gained a New Writer & Old Friend.

Eventually, she ended up liking me for whatever reason and through the abuse from her husband and my white knight syndrome she and her two kids ended up living with me but like most people nowadays, I was not able to treat her like the princess she thought she was and she had to help with the bills and whatnot. I have mentioned this girl before in my SpongeBob article. It was during this time of her living with me that learned about her malicious nature.

I Loathe Being a Picky Bastard

We add some salsa to our tacos and each took a bite of our tongue taco and HOLY FUCK ARE THEY BLAND! I believe to this day that Michoacan means cooking without any spice or seasonings. Even with salsa on these things they were bland. The veal Brain was not only bland but it left a kind of gross aftertaste. Mr. Zimmern had let me down.

Why don’t you like (insert westernized country here) women?

I understand, I am not pretty and am nice enough to just keep on a back burner, I have dealt with that my whole life. It is the modus operandi of your modern westernized woman. Now, let me admit, I am not the best person at communicating, ask my entire family about when I was in Iraq and they would never hear from me unless they called. I am sure I have accidentally made people feel the same way throughout my life and I am sorry, but it wasn't intentional. As much as I am dicking around on my phone nowadays, I really don't talk on it much.

My very first guest post! Saint Petersburg, Russia – Location Review — Single Man’s Paradise

St. Petersburg is the second largest city in Russia and home to women who absolutely blow my mind. I have never been to a place where the women, just going to the corner store, dress like they are going out on Saturday night. And the way these girls look dressed up… you will feel a pain in your stomach from falling in love several times a minute.

Online Dating: Things that Drive Me Insane about Girls on the Dating Circuit

With my street cred being established, I am going to talk about some things that girls do on their dating profiles that drive me fucking batshit insane... the main reason for this is because it is ok for girls to have absolute shit profiles but guys have to be Gods among men, be 100% on point and have some flawless, next level shit to get noticed, much less get any replies.